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The role of the hospital in the district : delivering or supporting primary health care? / W. Van Lerberghe, Y. Lafort ; [editor] World Health Organization. Division of Strengthening of Health Services. - Geneva : WHO, [198-]. - 36 p. ; 27 cm. - (Current Concerns. SHS Paper) ; Nº. 2)
This document is not issued to the general public. - Os autores exercem funções no Institute for Tropical Medicine. Public Health Research and Training Unit
Brochado : oferta
Cuidados de saúde primários / Sistemas de saúde / Bélgica
CDU: 614.2
COTA: M-17/3 IHMT 99/97

Tipo de documento: Texto impresso
País de publicação: Suíça

Outro(s) autor(es): LAFORT, Y., co-aut.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Division of Strenthening of Health Services, ed. lit.
Institute for Tropical Medicine. Public Health Research and Training Unit
