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MARTINS, Marta Lopes
The antimycobacterial activity of thioridazine derivatives against drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis : in vitro ex vivo and in vivo studies / Marta Sofia Lopes Martins, [orient.] Leonard Amaral. - Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, 2008. - XLII, 300 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Existe na Biblioteca : versão cd rom e "Appendix : copies of publications that resulted from this thesis research" 2 exemplares.
Thesis research submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the granting of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with specialisation in the Biomedical Science of Microbiology.
Brochado : oferta
Micobactérias / Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Terapêutica / Thioridazine / Tuberculose / Tese
CDU: 616-002.5:615(043.2)
COTA: S Leitura TD IHMT 42/2008

Tipo de documento: Texto impresso
País de publicação: Portugal

Outro(s) autor(es): AMARAL, Leonard, orient.
