Base de dados bibliográfica. Pesquisa: "AU INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, ed. lit." + "AU INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, ed. lit.$"
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TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE, HEALTH AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS Trace elements in medicine, health and atherosclerosis / [ed. lit.] M. Fátima Reis. - London : Smith-Gordon, 1995. - X, 233 p. ; 23 cm
Proceedings of the "First International Conference on Trace Elements in Health and Disease" with special emphasis on atherosclerosis organized at Lisbon by the Portuguese Society of Atherosclerosis in association with the International Atomic Energy Agenc
ISBN 1-85463-045-8 brochado : oferta Arterosclerose / Prevenção / Diagnóstico / Congresso / Portugal