Base de dados bibliográfica. Pesquisa: "AU MARCHETTE, Nyven J." + "AU MARCHETTE, Nyven J.$"
Resultados de 1 a 1 sobre 1 encontrados.
MARCHETTE, Nyven J. Ecological relationships and evolution of the rickettsiae / Nyven J. Marchette. - Florida : CRC, 1982. - 2 v. ; 25 cm
Volume 1 : introduction ; the distribution and relationships of rickettsiae ; evolution and distribution of rodents ; evolution of the tick rickettsia relationships ; the tickborne rickettsiae of the spotted fever or tick typhus group ; the
Volume II : rickettsia tsutsugamushi an acarine offshoot or a separate line ; the wolbachieae ; origin and evolution of the ehrlichieae ; coxiella burnetii its origin and distribution ; the anaplasmataceae, bartonellaceae and rochalimaea quint
ISBN 0-8493-6125-7 V. 1 encadernado : oferta. - ISBN 0-8493-6126-5 V. 2 encadernado : oferta Parasitologia / Ecologia / Ambiente