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Electrophysiologic evaluation of combined antiarrhythmic drug treatment / Roland Stroobandt. - Leuven : University of Leuven, 1987. - 149 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Thesis submited in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of "geaggreerde van het hoger onderwijs"
Brochado : oferta
Cardiologia / Patologia / Terapêutica / Tese / Doenças Infecciosas / Bélgica
CDU: 616.1
COTA: S Leitura T IHMT 316.1

Tipo de documento: Texto impresso
País de publicação: Bélgica

Outro(s) autor(es): UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Epidemiology, ed. lit.
